I wanted to take a moment to answer some of the Frequently Asked Questions we receive from professionals curious about the Microdosing for Healing Apprenticeship Program.

Q: How long is the program? How quickly can I get 'up to speed' and begin offering microdosing coaching?

A: If you fully invest in & commit to the program, you'll be ready to begin in as little as three months. However, you are welcome to take as long as you need - all participants of the program receive year-round, robust support and coaching in order to deepen your skills, learning & confidence.

Q: Do you offer payment plans?

A: Yes, we partner with Affirm to offer affordable payment plan options as well as pay-in-full options for all of our programs. Many of you will be able to deduct the training as a professional expense for education & development.

Q: Do I get direct access to Kayse during the program?

A: Yes, Kayse leads the majority of the calls in the program.

Q: What if I'm not a healing artist or coach (yet) but want to be? Do I qualify to participate in an apprenticeship? Do I need to have a certain background?

A: Absolutely! The world needs all the Healers it can get, and you'll be learning from some of the most experienced healing artists in the field. The only prerequisite to the Microdosing for Healing Apprenticeship is to receive personal experience in microdosing practice in Level One prior to or concurrent with the apprenticeship & mastermind program.

Q: Who will be in the program with me?

A: Our participants tend to fall into three groups…

1/ Health professionals, coaches, and healers who want to add microdosing to their practice so they can really help people on a deeper level.

2/ Individuals who have had a profound personal experience with microdosing, who want to learn as much as they can so they can make their life even more healthy and whole, sharing microdosing with their family and community. Some may even contemplate a career change (teachers, accountants, corporate professionals, stay-at-home parents) and move into healing work part-time or entirely.

3/ Medicine keepers and guides who are already working in the field but wish to obtain more structured guidance, business coaching and professional advice in honing & optimizing their practice.

Microdosing coaching is going to explode in popularity in the coming months & years and you'll have an immense advantage by getting in first!

Q: How is this different from other coaching or facilitator trainings?

A: There are many wonderful programs out there, and we encourage you to select one that feels most aligned for you! Our uniqueness lies in our rich personal experience with nearly thirty years of healing arts practice and founding a large nationwide community of microdosers - Kayse has personally guided over 800+ people in practice. Kayse is known for her 'practical magic' and makes healing & spirituality fun, fascinating, authentic and deeply caring. Our team is very invested in your vibrant success, both personally & professionally!

Our approach & vibe is modern, accessible, grounded, highly interactive, welcoming, diverse, safe, warm and connected. If you're looking for more of an impersonal, academic approach where you can hide out anonymously in the crowd, collect information & research studies, and get a certificate at the end, we're probably not the best fit. We're here to know you, see you, and support you to the best of our ability! We want you to gain real-world experience, knowledge and the confidence and skills to begin coaching & mentoring as quickly as possible.

Q: Do I have to travel for any of the training?

A: No, you are able to take all levels of the program and apprentice from the comfort of home.

Q: What time zones are accommodated?

A: We've intentionally chosen call times to accommodate the largest number of people as possible around the world. We offer morning and evening immersion apprenticeship call times that can accommodate most time zones. The mastermind (business coaching support) calls are the first three Wednesdays of each month 10AM-11AM PST / 1PM-2PM EST with replays of all calls provided.

Q: What will I receive in the program?

A: In addition to training & apprenticeship in microdosing practice and how to support & guide others, you'll also receive valuable resources in the Mastermind to kickstart your microdosing offerings such as Templates, Intake Forms, Client Communication Forms, Collaborative Partnerships with Allied & Support Professionals, complimentary inclusion in our microdosing guide directory so clients can find you, and - most importantly! - a full year of business support & strategic coaching directly with Kayse for a full year to take your practice to lift-off!

Q: I have a busy full-time career and family life - will I be able to fit this program into my schedule?

A: Yes! We created this program with busy modern life in mind! Our program is highly curated, focused and intentional - we want to provide you with the most vital resources and information in the most accessible way possible. With Kayse, you're getting thirty years of healing & entrepreneurial experience condensed into a one year program. We're designed to accommodate a range of schedules, locations, learning styles, backgrounds and time constraints.

Q: I don’t have clients and am not really thinking of this being a "business." Can I still take the program?

A: Yes! This is actually how Kayse started – she was running four thriving healing arts studios and initially began practicing with mushrooms for her own personal healing... little did she know earth medicine practice would transform her life & career! You’re welcome to join us – and know that your classmates will be incredible. Be open and see what’s here for you; you never know what fate has in store for you! We’d love to have you with us.

Q: After my apprenticeship, will you assist me in getting clients and supporting my practice?

A: Yes! This is an important & highly valuable part of our program. Upon completion, you will be able to become part of our trusted directory of microdosing guides and coaches. You will also be eligible to assist or facilitate future Level Two programs in order to brush up on your skills and deepen your learning. Lastly, within our exclusive year-round Mastermind for Healers you’ll receive business coaching, marketing advice, entrepreneurship training, focused strategy and ongoing support. We're here for you for the long haul!

I hope these questions help you determine if the Microdosing for Healing Apprenticeship Program is right for you.

If we missed your question, please do drop us a line! Our team is happy to help.

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